
691 Audio Reviews

541 w/ Responses


woo, new pod!! i've been waiting to hear those words, haha. kickass tune duder, gotta love them leads. really solid performance for a single take. good to hear some new shit!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

ThANKs brother. I was lost without it. Got some skull smashing in theworks, bro. you will dig.


hahaha, this is fucking hilarious! personally i love the BOOM, it just makes things even more awesome. gave me a good laugh, great work


damn, that's some really cool shit. feels a bit like good old british metal, with a modern touch. which i really like. very well played. vocals are fucking awesome. great song, keep rocking \m/

lebansker0n responds:

Thanks a bunch man. It's funny you should mention old British metal. Two of mine and our bass player's major influences are Iron Maiden and Judas Priest. Our singer kinda has that Geoff Tate from Queensryche thing going on, which compliments us so fucking much. Again, thanks for the review! We have 2 or 3 more songs to do for our demo and then we are gonna be doing shows like fucking crazy.


super energetic indeed. you got some really interesting riffage going on here. fantastic playing man, kickass song!

DanJohansen responds:

Thanks dude appreciate it, you got some RIPPIN stuff yourself dude! ROCK ON!


damn man, this is awesome. kickass as fuck. yeah, i've got nothing more to say haha. very well done, fag!

Metaljonus responds:

Thanks dickface! :)


pretty cool song man, i like the heavy bassy approach you took on this one. i liked the passage starting at 1:12 and the one at 2:11. drums sound really badass as well, hits you in the face, just the way i like it haha.

i can tell you've been experimenting a bit, which is a very good thing. a bit unpolished, but as a whole i really enjoyed the song. this sure as hell doesn't deserve a score of fucking 0, so have a 5. it's on me. keep it up man \m/

Ryan-of-the-Metal responds:

Thank you, Schlief, that means alot to me! :')


not bad at all, love that beefy sound. could be a bit more crisp, but i like where this is heading. keep it up bro \m/

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

I hear ya, brother. That eternal search for tone, begins again. haha. Cheers mang!!


haha, this is actually pretty damn awesome! sounds good fucker. have a 5!

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

FUN. Thanks Schleif!!!!!

Age 34, Male

professional badass


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